Week commencing 30 April 2017

Sunday worship at 10.30am on 30 AprilPastor Vijay Pillai will be speaking. Matthew Smith will be leading worship. Please note that there will be a fellowship lunch served after the service – everyone is welcome.

Sunday evening services are held on the first and third Sundays each month, commencing at 6.30pm. The next service will be on May 7th when Kevin Ashton will be speaking and James Packham will lead worship.

Children’s Church @ ACF: 

Sunday morning activities for children are: Age 3-P1’s in the DJ Team room (by the crèche); P2-P3’s in the coffee hall; P4-6’s are in the cube room; *Parents, please pick your children up after the service* ; Ignite: P7-S2’s meets in the youth room at the front of the main hall. All groups run from 11am to 12 noon.

Youth @ ACF: 

Diesel (S3-S6) Weekly Youth Bible Study is on a Monday Night 7.00-9.00pm.

Fuel (P7-S3) Weekly Youth Cafe meets on a Thursday night from 7.00-9.00pm.

On the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month, after the evening service, all the youth meet at the Webb’s from 7.45-9.00pm for a social. It is open to anyone in P7-S6.
For more details on any of the youth activities speak to Gillian MacKenzie.

PAPRIKA; Mother and Toddler’s for Hungarian families: Meets every Tuesday at 10am in the coffee hall. For further information, or to volunteer to help, please contact Tabita at tabitadoczi@yahoo.com

Prayer Meeting and Bible Study: Tuesdays 7.30pm to 9.00pm. This week Vijay will continue the study in Exodus and Calum MacKenzie will lead the prayer time.

Single & Parenting: Help and Hope for single parents, and includes video sessions which offer effective parenting strategies, and encouragement, followed by small group discussion. Every Tuesday evening from 7pm – 9pm, until 16 May. Each session is self contained, so don’t worry if you can’t commit to each one. Contact Esther Milne on esther@aberdeencf.com for further information or call 07773724558.

Mainly Music is a fun music time for parents/caregivers and their preschool children, followed by coffee and free play session. It meets every Thursday from 10.00am-11.15am during term time. If you are interested in coming along, please speak to Donna Cuthill.

Seniors Friday: Held every Friday from 10.30am to 12 noon. Food, quizzes, teas, coffees and laughter. Speak to Bert or Beth Wilson for further information.

Future Events at ACF:

Sunday worship at 10.30am on 7 MayPastor Vijay Pillai will be speaking, Elaine Henderson will be leading worship, and communion will be served.

Messy Church: Is held on the first Sunday of every month from 4pm to 6pm. The next Messy Church will be on 7 May. Messy Church is open to all children aged 3 to 11 years, and will include a wide range of appropriate activities for the children, who will also have some food together. Messy Church is a great opportunity for children to invite their friends to something where they will hear the gospel, and their parents might just also, so if you’re not in the habit of taking the children, please consider it.  See David Young for more information.

Home Groups: Meet throughout the city on the second and fourth Sundays, and Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings of the month. Please speak with Pete Henderson or contact the office for further details.

Future events outwith ACF:

North East Praise Evening: 7.30pm on Saturday 27 May 2017 in Hebron Evangelical Church, Summer Street. An evening to gather Christians together to glorify God in song.


Drivers wanted to assist with transportation of Seniors on a Friday morning. To afford cover for, e.g. holidays, additional drivers are required on an infrequent basis, uplifting Seniors from their homes, delivering them to ACF for a 10.30am start, and taking them home at 12 noon. Seniors is held most Fridays. If you can help, please contact Brian on 07773724558.

ACF FOOD BANK: To support The Lighthouse and others in need, food items such as cereal, sugar,tea, coffee, biscuits, and tins/jars/packets of soup, meat, meals, vegetables, together with household cleaning items and toiletries, can be donated. Plastic collecting bins will be in the foyer for this purpose.

RECYCLING FOR TUMAINI: ACF is collecting clothes for recycling, the proceeds going to support the work of Tumaini. There is a collecting bucket in the foyer. Every donation helps. Please note that the collection of cans has been discontinued.