Week commencing 5 January 2020


Sunday: Morning Worship @10.30am: Communion             

Monday: Ladies Bible Study @9.30 am

Tuesday: Prayer meeting @7pm: Young Adults Group @8.30pm

Wednesday: Men’s Fellowship @7pm

Thursday: Mainly Music @10am: Spark After School Club @4pm: Fuel Youth Club @7pm

Friday: Seniors @10.30am



Sunday worship at 10.30am. Communion: Pastor Vijay Pillai will be speaking and Elaine Henderson leading worship.

Children’s Church @ ACF. Sunday morning activities for children are held from 11am – 12 noon. These are: New born to age 3 – Creche in the Rainbow room; Age 3 to P2’s in the DJ Team room (by the Crèche); P3 to P6 in the Cube room. For more information contact our Children’s Pastor, David Young.

Ignite: This P7-S2 group meet in the youth room at the front of the main hall. For more information contact our youth Pastor Gillian MacKenzie.

Home Groups:  Meet on various evenings throughout the city. Please speak with Pete Henderson or contact the church office for more information.


Ladies Bible Study: Every week from 9.30 -11.15 am,  Please join us whenever you can for a friendly, informal Bible study, followed by a time of prayer. A creche will be available if needed. Ladies from other churches (or no church at all!) are very welcome to join us.

Our study this term is called Longing. We long to be happy and whole, for intimacy and purpose. God made us this way…Longing is awoken in us when we experience the brokenness of a fallen world… This study invites us to turn to God to satisfy our deepest longings.

Please contact Annabel Turner belle@belleturner.com or Isabel McHardy imchardy@btinternet.com if you have any questions. Or just turn up!


Prayer Meeting: 7pm-8pm. Led this week by Derek McHardy

Young Adults Group (YAGS) .  Yags is for those S6/17 years old, students and young people. We meet 8.30pm-10.00pm for hot chocolate, a catch up and Bible study. For further information contact our Youth Pastor Gillian MacKenzie.


Men’s Fellowship: 7pm-9pm.’Leftovers’, a get together to discuss what has worked over the past few months, what hasn’t, and what the future may hold. As ever, food and refreshments will be available.


Mainly Music: 10.00-11.30am.  A pre-school, faith based singing group for children and their carers, followed by coffee and free play session. If you are interested in coming along, please e-mail Pamela at maclure13@gmail.com.

Spark: An after-school group for Nursery & P1-7’s that meets every Thursday during term-time from 4-6pm. We have crafts, games, Bible stories, songs, and more, and we even end each session with some dinner! Spark costs £3/family to attend. We’ll also have monthly ‘Spark Sundays’ where we’ll gather to present something in our morning worship service. for further information please contact our Children’s Pastor, David Young.

Fuel Youth Club (P7-S3) 7pm-9pm.  For more information contact our Youth Pastor, Gillian MacKenzie


Seniors: 10.30am to 12 noon. Food, quizzes, teas, coffees and laughter. Speak to Rona Boyd for further information or contact the church office.

Future Events at ACF:

Sunday worship on 12 January at 10.30am. No Communion: Baptismal Service, when our Pastor Vijay Pillai will be preaching, and Kath Robertson will be leading worship.

                                                                                                                                                                        Future events outwith ACF

The next Glorious Ladies Conference in Aberdeen will be held on 21 March 2020 in the Music Hall. More information will follow, but ladies, get it in your diaries now, and guys, you do the same, as you can volunteer to serve at it, or look after the children (if applicable). Talk about a rock and a hard place.


Please check out our website, www.aberdeencf.com,for news about our church plant, Portlethen Christian Fellowship and continue to pray for that new church.